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What Are Channel Letters, and How Do I Choose Which Type?

Have you noticed those cool signs with 3D letters that light up from within? Channel letters are some of the most eye-catching signs, which is why you’ll find them everywhere–from luxury hotels to your local Starbucks.

In this blog, we’ll explain what channel letter signage is and how you can choose the right type for your business.

What Are Channel Letter Signs?

Illuminated channel letters are three-dimensional signs comprised of individually cut letters. Each letter houses its own lighting and is mounted separately on the wall. These signs are popular in commercial areas, retail stores, and other businesses.

The best part is that they come in all sizes, fonts, and colors, so you can customize them to fit your business’s unique branding and design needs. Their 3D design and illumination makes signs stand out from far away, which makes them a great way to market your business and attract more customers.

Plus, they’re super durable and built to withstand all weather conditions. They’re made from high-quality materials, so they’re designed to last for years with minimal maintenance. All in all, if you’re looking for a sign that’s going to make a statement and really help your business stand out, channel letter signs are definitely worth considering.

Choosing the Right Type of Channel Letter for Your Business

Custom channel letters come in a wide range of styles, sizes, lighting configurations, and more. So, how do you find the right options for your business? Here are five things you need to consider:

  1. Consider Your Branding

Your sign should accurately reflect your brand’s colors, fonts, and overall style. Make sure you choose a sign that complements your brand and helps to reinforce it.

  1. Determine Your Sign’s Purpose

Are you looking for a sign that will attract foot traffic? Or do you want a sign that can be seen from the road? Understanding your sign’s purpose will help you choose the right size, font, and color.

  1. Choose the Right Size

The size of your sign will depend on where it will be installed and its purpose. If you want your sign to be seen from far away, you may need a larger sign than if you just want it to be seen by more local foot traffic. As a rule of thumb, we recommend installing the largest sign you can.

  1. Pick the Right Font

The font you choose for your sign should be easy to read and fit your brand’s overall style. Avoid overly fancy fonts that may be difficult to read from a distance.

  1. Consider Lighting Options

Lighting is a key feature of custom channel letters. Ask your sign company to show you how different lighting options will look before you finalize the design. Front-illuminated channel letters emit light from the front, and backlit signs bounce light from the rear of the sign. Halo-lit signs combine both, offering a stunning look.

Make the Most of Your Investment With a Proven Signage Partner

Channel signs are a significant investment for your business, which is why you need to work with an experienced team. It’s why businesses across Mississauga turn to us for high-quality signs. Book a free consultation to discuss channel letter signage for your business.

Posted in Channel Letters



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