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How To Use Hoarding To Increase Sales

It is on you to use any hoarding to your best advantage. A hoarding is generally utilized to create brand awareness. They also act as reminders. Better hoardings have a prominent image and scarce text. A few even enclose directions to point the way to the business.


Hoarding is an excellent investment if your business is located just off the highway. It also makes sense when you want to raise the awareness of your brand in a specific region.

How to use hoardings

  • Ensure that the hoarding’s headline is extremely clear. Use statements which will surely interest your targeted audience.
  • Your target audience will glance only once towards the billboard. It is thus extremely important that your message must be clear. Talk exclusively about things which interest the customer.
  • Do not allow people driving past the billboard to get bored: Start a conversation with people who drive or commute past the billboard. Create a story with changing headlines. Do not go for humorous messages. Write a story instead.
  • Smaller billboards can be more effective compared to bigger ones: Those small hoardings go a long way to increase sales. Use that space to tell customers how they will benefit by using your product or service.

Compelling reasons to go for hoardings

  •  People spend a large part of their day inside a vehicle compared to watching the news and reading newspapers.
  • Hoardings have a lower cost for every thousand views compared to any other kind of advertising. To put in perspective, outdoor advertisement costs eighty percent less compared to television commercials and 60 percent less compared to newspaper advertisements. Radio ads are 50 percent more expensive than hoardings.
  • Hoarding advertisements are free to consumers. There is no need to buy magazines, subscribe to cable television and newspapers.
  • Consumers are not interrupted by outdoor advertising in any manner. Hoardings are noticeable due to their bright and bold messages. Creative graphics are employed to deliver a message is a short period of time.
  • A large number of consumers are dependent on hoardings to locate places when they travel.
  • Hoardings permit advertisers to reach a greater number of people much faster. The target audience can be much more easily reached compared to other kinds of media.
  • The audience for outdoor advertising is much bigger compared to any other kind of advertising. The newer consumer commutes or drives a longer distance away from the home.
  • Any hoarding in a strategic location has greater number of viewers compared to any major sports show.
  • Hoarding advertisement is the sole media type which provides constant exposure. Only this kind of advertising permits the message to be exhibited 24 x7.
  • It is important to be repetitive when there is a need to raise awareness of your product. There can also be times when you simply want to transmit the message to a large group of people. Hoarding campaigns can easily achieve this for you.
  • Hoardings increase the awareness of your product. This directly increases your sales, and subsequently the profits.
  • Hoardings make it much easier to target a particular product or a particular market
  • Hoardings can be used to send subliminal messages. Hoardings are usually the last message any consumer sees before buying any product.
  • Research has shown that 70 percent of people scan the billboards when they pass them. A staggering 63 percent of such hoardings are read.
  • Hoardings are consistently rated higher compared to any other kind of advertising for their capability to communicate ideas at lowest possible prices.

The best beneficiaries of hoardings are small businesses with limited budgets.

Temporary hoardings


Not all hoardings are permanent. If you are building, expanding or renovating the hoarding erected around the construction site is an excellent opportunity to advertise.

Temporary hoardings can either be free standing or be built into the site in under construction buildings. Such temporary structures can either be modular or customized installation. These can include gates, fenced off areas, barriers and even viewing windows. They are used for promotion and branding, and more often used to show potential customers how the project will appear after completion. The prospective customers will also get an excellent idea of how the new construction will impact local area.

Temporary hoardings inside shopping malls and new retail spaces take full advantage of captive audiences and lengthier viewing period. They are ideal for ratcheting up the frequency of the message. The best examples of temporary hoarding are that of a teaser campaign when a store opening is pending. The campaign is made to generate buzz. People should get talking about the event. Hoardings could be made interactive by asking visitors to submit ideas and have a chance to win excellent prizes.

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